The Gospels Presented to Samtsiro Georgian Monastery of Nuns in Jerusalem (Jer.Geo.153) and the Inscription Made by the Jvari Monastery Mouravi Ioseb Tsalkeli with the Mention of the Presenters of the Gospels – Pavle, Basil, Priest Mikael and the Monastery of Opiza (1140-1180)


  • Temo Jojua Ilia State University Author



Opiza, Jvari, Samtsiro


The paper is the first attempt to publish and analyze the written document appended to the XI-XII centuries‘ Gospels (Jer.Geo.153) 101r, written by Ioseb, former Bishop of Tsalka, Mouravi (administrative officer) of the Jvari Monastery in Jerusalem. According to the document, initially the Gospels belonged to Pavle and Basil. They sold the manuscript to Priest Mikael, but charged only half price, on condition that, after Mikael’s death, on behalf of all the three co-owners (Pavle, Basil and Mikael), the book was to be presented to the Monastery of Opiza. Later, Mikael travelled to the Holy Land and died during his pilgrimage. Ioseb of Tsalka, who served as Mouravi at the monastery at that time, sent a letter to Opiza monastery and asked them to sacrifice the Gospels to Samtsiro Georgian monastery of nuns. The monks of Opiza fulfilled this request and sacrificed the monuscript to Samtsiro Monastery.

